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Top 5 Must Have Finance Apps

As we enter the 3rd month of this new year I’m hoping you’re well on your way to crushing the financial goals you’ve set. As you make your way along I thought it’d be helpful to take a look at a few of the apps available to help.

Quick note: with the sheer number of apps available it was impossible for me to cover everything – if you are in love with an app that isn’t listed please share it in the comments.

So here we go, the top 5 must have finance apps.



From the guys at Money Desktop comes this killer personal finance tracker app. If you haven’t heard, Money Desktop is revolutionizing online banking. For the most part they provide online banking solutions to banks and credit unions but they have a free personal finance app that allows you to manage all your accounts and create and manage budgets with their patent pending “bubble budgets”

Debt HD Free

This app has some handy features to help you pay off your debts in the most efficient way possible. It even helps you plan and see the results of using the snowball method to pay down your debts.

If you don’t have a Mint account, go get one. Now. This app automatically tracks everything on your phone: your bank accounts, credit cards, loans, spending, etc. It’s incredibly intuitive and it’s all in one place so you can easily see the big financial picture.


ShopSavvy will help you do just that, find the best deals on almost anything you’re shopping for. It’s simple, pull out your smartphone, scan the barcode of the item you want and let ShopSavvy tell you where to find the item for the cheapest price.

Along with local results you’ll get online results from places like and so you can guarantee you’re getting the savviest deal.

Pageonce – Money & Bills

Simplicity rules with this finance app. Easily keep track of all your utility bills, cell phone bills, credit card bills, etc. Not to mention having all your accounts in one, easy to navigate location. Pageonce is definitely worth a look.


This is a handy little app that allows you to easily digitalize your receipts for effortless organization. This may be a good alternative for those of you that aren’t jumping to share all your bank account information with apps like Mint, etc. Instead of piling up receipts all month on your kitchen counter, use Shoeboxed to de-clutter.

So there you have it, 5 must have personal finance apps. I’m sure you can think of a few others that deserve to be on this list so let’s hear all about em.

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